Club Usage Training

How To Open and Close the Club


A.   WHEN BARTENDING PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY: Give yourself time to have the club and bar ready for your shift and to relax before you start. Generally, 30 minutes will give you time to get organized.
  1. WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD, OPEN THE FRONT DOOR OF THE CLUB: Leave unlocked with tool from front office drawer.  The key for the backdoor is hanging on the bulletin board.
  2. NEXT TO CLUB ROOM DOOR: Turn on Bar room lights. Main dining room light switches are behind bar stereo.
  3. HEATING & COOLING: There are two two thermostats.  One is located near the kitchen entrance and the second one is located near the side door in the dinning room.  Do not change any settings besides changing the temperature up and down.  At the end of the night the thermostats will return to their program.
  4. WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD, OPEN THE KEY LOCK BOX AT THE END OF THE BAR. Here you will find the keys to open cash register cabinet and the key to turn on the cash register Turn register key to REG 1.
C.   THE KEG COOLERS. Engage the tapping mechanism by pushing down the tap lever or turning the tap lever clockwise located on the top of keg. Check if CO2 canister is turned on. Located next to bar sink. Spare CO2 tanks are in the storage room off the hallway. If you must change the CO2 tank use the wrench that is attached to the empty tank and be careful not to lose the small washer that goes between the tap and the canister. Extra kegs are in cooler behind the bar and in kitchen cooler. When changing out kegs, get them from the bar cooler FIRST! Kegs in the kitchen refrigerator are sometimes for special events. Empty kegs should be put in the storage room.
D.   OPEN EXIT DOORS BY REMOVING SECURITY BARS. You should do this by lifting the bars up and set them back on the push bars on the door cable is connected to. (The Fire inspector requires these to be removed when more than 12 people are occupying the club)
E.    MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH CHANGE.  The register should start with roughly $100.00
  1. Before starting be sure to check for any special pricing. Are you doing cash sales versus ticket sales as the prices may change on certain items and specialty drinks may be available.
  2. Check for lemons, limes, etc., that may be required for certain drinks at the party. Cut up what you need.
  3. Fill sinks for the washing of the glasses – soap, rinse and sanitize.
  4. You are now in charge of the bar and who goes behind the bar. Have fun, be safe, check I.D.’s, and remember friends don’t let friends drive drunk.
  5. At the end of your shift or evening be sure to check for and collect any remaining tabs. All tabs must have a credit card left before allowing tab to be run. Follow the instructions on the credit card machine to run the card and receipts. Cash can be accepted to settle tab if customer wishes and card can be returned at that time. Any Credit Cards left at the bar go into the cash register so the Member can get it out themselves.
  1. Turn off the coffee pot. Wash all remaining glasses. Wipe down bar and tables. Clean floor if needed. All cleaning supplies and trash bags are located in the hall closet.
  2. Count the cash in register and tip jar.
  3. Leave approximately $100.00 in 10's, 5's, & 1's in cash register.
  4. Put the tips and the balance of the cash (bills only) in an envelope. Envelopes are near the register on the shelf or bar. Fill out the envelope in the appropriate blanks and put the envelope in the safe.
  1. Replace security door bars.
  2. Disengage the tapping mechanism (DO NOT REMOVE TAPPER FROM KEG) and lock Beer Keg Coolers and Back Bar Coolers. Turn off liquor cabinet lights, turn off lights inside beer coolers, close and lock the liquor cabinets. Put these keys back in the cash register drawer. Turn off CO2 canister only if it was off when you opened.
  3. Turn OFF / LOCK Register. Close and lock cash register cabinet.
  4. Put the appropriate keys back in the Bar Lock Box.
  5. Place the empty can and kegs in the hallway storage closet in the appropriate boxes (there is a sign on the wall indicating which brands can be combined).
  6. Empty the garbage cans in the bar area and put in new liners. Turn off lights in bar and dining areas and radio/CD player. Take the garbage out and throw it in the dumpster. If needed the vacuum cleaner is in the furnace room.
NOTE: If club members are present and they wish to remain, you should complete all steps above and have the other members reopen the bar.

H.   TURN OFF LIGHTS AND LOCK ALL DOORS. Only lock interior doors that were locked when you entered the Club. For exterior doors, all should be locked unless there is a special event with other Clubs staying. Check to see if the back door should be left unlocked for that reason.
I.    IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS CALL ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: Their names and phone numbers are in the handbook located behind the bar. 1. VICE COMMODORE 2. DIRECTOR OF INSIDE MAINTENANCE 3. CLUB MANAGER. 

Pump-Out Station Operating Instructions

  1. Get the pump box key from cork wall inside of the club
  2. Unlock the white box at the land side end of the dock, and open the lid (place lock and key where you can find it)
  3. Pick the pump-out deck fitting that fits your boat
  4. Remove your deck cap and screw in the pump-out deck fitting
  5. Uncoil the 2” hose from dock rack, put the end of the hose two to four inches below the water line of the river, and let the rest of the hose float in water Do not let end go to the bottom of the river!!!)
  6. Uncoil the water hose from the dock rack and place near the pump-out fitting
  7. Turn on the water valve located on, and below grade of, the seawall
  8. Start the pump with the toggle switch inside the white pump box and then quickly pull the hose out of the water and fasten to you deck fitting by pulling the handles up locking the hose on
  9. Continue pumping until you see nothing flowing in the clear section of hose near the end attached to the pump-out fitting (hose in water will float when your tank is empty)
  10. When flow stops, disconnect hose from deck fitting and let the end of the hose hang so that it is just below the water line, do not let end go to the bottom of the river!!!
  11. Refill the holding tank with clean fresh water to flush tank, (turn on valve on the discharge end of the water hose and turn back off when done) do not over fill
  12. Repeat as required until the flow is clear or until you are satisfied
  13. Disconnect hose from deck fitting and let the end of the hose hang so that it is just below the water line to clean out of hose, do not let end go to the bottom of the river!!!
  14. Flush your deck, and the dock with water
  15. Turn of the pump and water
  16. Coil the hoses, one at a time and in a neat fashion, back onto the dock stand
  17. Replace your deck cap, and return the pump-out deck fitting to the pump box
  18. Close pump the box lid and lock it
  19. Return key to corkboard inside of the club house
  20. Wash your hands
  21. Clear your boat from pump station dock so the next boat can come in


Operating Procedure

The scope of this procedure is to instruct an authorized NSSC member on how to operate the Small Boat Hoist, referred to as the jib crane.
To become authorized please review the NSSC Handbook, Policy and Procedures, Well, Gin Pole & Small Boat Hoist Policy, section 11, Small Boat Hoist.

Upon arriving at the jib crane, survey the crane and surrounding area and notice any abnormalities that may affect your plan for lifting and placing your boat.

Turning on the power: Operating the hoist: Closing up shop: Suggestions on use:  

Working on the Race Committee Boat

Pre-race preparation: On Station: Starting the Race: Once race is started: On completion of the race: Verify with race program manager has all information and it is correct. *Always ask if there is any suggestion(s) to improve the performance of the RC. Welcome all comments and input, it make you a better race committee and keeps communication with the racers.